Has benefit administration overtaken your HR department? We can help.

Personalized employee benefit administration is our business. We tailor our system for your benefits program, for your carriers and for your employees, freeing you to create the program you envision. With our benefit administration services, you can change your plan offerings or your carriers and add new programs or contribution strategies, because we will support the implementation.
We can help you stretch limited resources and meet your business goals. We can assist when you’re centralizing HR administration. We can provide an enrollment system when your goal is to automate manual processes. If you need more IT support, you can come to our IT to get immediate, dedicated help. If you want to brain storm automation possibilities, we can help you review the steps from all angles. When you’ve acquired a new company, we can help you bring them on board or run their benefits and payroll parallel to your program. With The Borchardt Group, you’ll be thinking “Sure I can do that” not “Now how am I going to get that done?” And you’ll wonder how you ever managed without us. That’s our promise to you.