As benefits become widely available on the web…
It is nice to know that you also have the option of a highly trained customer service team to help your employees.
Our customer service team will resolve issues no matter how complex, so your staff does not have to spend time researching or making numerous calls. We stay in close touch until there is a resolution.
While we work to resolve individual problems, we also work with your vendors to prevent the repetition of problems. Our proprietary database system allows us to identify patterns in employee calls and get developing problems resolved before they escalate.
Our secure call tracking/eligibility system allows us to maintain employee data in a convenient, confidential manner. We maintain a clear history of calls for each employer. If you have any questions about the security of employee information, please contact us and we will be happy to tell you about our unique encryption technology.
We make our web-based enrollment site easy to understand, but we also know that not every one is comfortable with the internet. We provide an experienced customer service team that will assist both you and your employees. We will help employees who may need some human assistance during their on-line enrollment experience.
Of course, you can decide on what level of customer service your company requires.